• Compare Two Sql Databases

    Compare Two Sql Databases

    How to compare two records in database? SQL Server > Transact-SQL. Transact-SQL https. Is there any function in SQL Server 2005 can do this? Or I have to get data in the database and do some logic check in the code say C# etc. Friday, January 9, 2009 12:26 AM. I'm a fan of SQL DBDiff, which is an open source tool you can use to compare tables, views, functions, users, etc. Of two instances of SQL Server databases and generate a change script between the source and destination databases.

    PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Database Compare Suite is a complex solution to simplify schema and data manipulation tasks in both homogeneous and heterogeneous database environments. This simple but very effective tool can help you perform even the most challenging operations, such as:. Schema Comparison and Schema Synchronization. Data Comparison, Data Migration, and Data Synchronization WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM IT?

    To work with this tool, you don’t have to be an expert or possess any deep knowledge in database development. This tool is very user-friendly and can be helpful for Testers, DBDs, and DBAs. Data Migration and Synchronization This feature can be used for data manipulations. Each of these operations doesn’t depend on a dialect and can be performed on any pair of databases. Using the Data Migration operation, you can simply copy all data from one database to another. To perform this operation, the application uses the Bulk Copy function, which requires additional software specified in the System Requirements section.

    Using the Data Synchronization operation, you can synchronize data in the target database with data in the source database. This operation does not require any additional software. Supported versions:.

    Amazon Redshift. Azure SQL Database. Azure SQL Data Warehouse. IBM DB2 9.7 or later. MySQL 5.5.3 or later (Database Compare Suite works with previous versions as well, but some features can be omitted). Oracle 9.2 or later. PostgreSQL 9.2 or later (Database Compare Suite works with previous versions as well, but some features can be omitted).

    Sybase ASE 12.5 or later. Sybase IQ 16 or later.

    Teradata 14 or later. Greenplum or later. Netezza or later.

    Date Version Description Feb 21, 2018 4.12. Added a SQL code tab in the ‘Schema comparison’ operation window. Allows the display of SQL code for source and target objects to simplify line-by-line comparison. This tab provides the ability to display both system characters and exclude multiple spaces or empty lines in converted code and in source code. Also, this tab allows for comparing objects with case sensitivity. Improved Fast Data Comparison operation.

    Added a new option in the Fast Data Comparison operation settings allowing for comparing the row count in the source and target tables. Makes sense for large data sets to check whether all data rows have migrated or not. Added LDAP authentication for Teradata.

    Added column and parameter mappings. Sep 05, 2017 4.11. Sep 05, 2017 4.11.

    Support for or later added. Database Compare Suite now supports the cluster-, column-oriented Vertica Analytics Platform that was initially designed to manage large, fast-growing volumes of data and provide very fast query performance when used for data warehouses and other query-intensive applications.

    Upgraded the. Created a ‘Detailed row comparison’ window to clearly see the data differences in the Detailed Data Comparison operation window. To discover the detailed data differences you need to double-click on the selected data row. Improved the schema comparison and synchronization operation options. Now the application allows for excluding flex tables, projections, and text indexes from the operation scope. July 24, 2017 4.10. July 24, 2017 4.10.

    Support for 16 or later added. Database Compare Suite now supports a column-based, petabyte scale, relational database software system used for business intelligence, data warehousing, and data marts. Improved the. The Fast Data Comparison operation now allows for fast processing of the floating-point numbers so that Database Compare Suite will interpret them as fixed-point numbers.

    Improved the operation. Provided an option of treating the empty values as NULL to provide the excellent comparison results for various database platforms.

    June 12, 2017 4.9. June 12, 2017 4.9. Support for added. Database Compare Suite now supports highly elastic Azure SQL Data Warehouse applicances. Database connection dialog improved. Improved the interface of the database connection dialog.

    Now, when using the connection string to connect to the database, the Database Compare Suite provides the example of the required connection string in the appropriate format according to the selected database dialect. Simply insert the connection parameters into the provided sample. Updated the data operations options. The latest release allows for treating the empty values as NULL to provide the excellent comparison results for various database platforms. 9, 2017 4.7. Support for or later added.

    Database Compare Suite now supports open-source Greenplum data warehouses, geared toward big data analytics. The installer of the application upgraded.

    Database Compare Suite now requires only the Microsoft.NET Framework 4.6.1. So, there is no need to install.NET Framework 3.5 before installing the Database Compare Suite. UI improved.

    Minor changes to the user interface of a matching page bring noticeable differences to the usability and dramatically simplify user’s experience. 27, 2017 4.6. 4, 2016 4.5. Support for Amazon Redshift added. Database Compare Suite now supports Amazon Redshift, which is a fast, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse. Support for SQL Server 2000 added.

    Database Compare Suite now supports SQL Server 2000. This a great timesaver for customers looking orward to upgrading their SQL Server 2000 database servers, Database Compare Suite is the only tool that supports this version of SQL Server on the market. Main screen updated to simplify sending the support request. Now you can find the Support button at the top right corner of the main application window. Notification about new product version added.

    When we release a new version of Database Compare Suite, you get a notification in the pop-up window when the application starts. Issue with missing objects during operations with schemas fixed. Missing categories of metadata are automatically excluded from schema operations. 28, 2016 4.3. Support for MySQL added. Setting Comparison operations for SQL Server databases and servers added. Support for ODBC provider for Sybase databases added.

    Data operations performance in console mode improved. Support of big numeric values in data operations added. Now there is a possibility to save operation scope in the project. Database Compare Suite doesn’t display the metadata categories that are not supported by at least one of the compared databases in Schema Comparison results. For example, there is no point in displaying Check Constraint category, because it is supported by MySQL database, but is not supported by SQL Server. 16, 2015 4.2. 16, 2015 4.2.

    switched to XML format and console features synchronized with GUI version. All data operations parallelized. DB2 modules added to the schema comparison operation. DB2 reference type added to data comparison and schema comparison operations. DB2 UDT added to data comparison and schema comparison operations. Oracle UDT added to data comparison and schema comparison operations. SQL Server assemblies added to the schema comparison operation.

    Sony vegas pro 13 32 bit. Information about the duration of data operations added to the operation result and export file. Rows filtering on the source for the data migration operation enabled.

    Preferences for data migration operation redeveloped. 25, 2014 4.1.

    11, 2013 3.6. The Schema Synchronization operation revised – new UI and business logic. Possibility to match objects in different schemas and one group of schemas with another group added. Ability to specify prefix and suffix to ignore for matching objects added. A hierarchy of result properties refactored and several changes added to the export of operation results.

    Loading of some imported properties for objects in all supported platforms added. A set of issues with memory leaks fixed.

    Tested on a new version of Oracle (Oracle 12). 20, 2013 3.5. 20, 2013 3.5. Option of matching Oracle schema to SQL Server or Sybase databases added. Option of matching UDTs to different types added. A new Data Operation Preference implemented – Exclude LOBs from Data Operations. The new design of the Result page in the Detailed Data Comparison operation.

    Now it helps you easily identify differences in your data. The new design of the Options page in the Data operations. It makes configuration of Data Operation more usable and comprehensible. A set of issues related to comparison and synchronization of Large Objects fixed. Help section updated to bring new abilities and new design.

    27, 2013 3.3. 27, 2013 3.3. New Type Maps and Type Mapping functionality. All Type Maps were updated to support new data types and new expertise in this area. Also, we allowed having several mappings for one data type with the ability to prioritize them. Support for User Defined Types (UDT) added. Now the application allows users to identify and view a list of UDTs that are created in a selected database.

    Ability of LOBs comparing added. Now Data Comparison operation can compare data of all types except UDT. Migration and Synchronization of LOBs will be implemented in the next release. Logic of preferences in the data operations corrected.

    The Data Synchronization operation uses comparison preferences in the inner logic and does not modify data within synchronization from a source data object to a target data object. Option of specifying a Sort Key for a table or view in the Data Comparison and Data Synchronization operations added. This feature allows users to compare data in views and tables and provide a more powerful tool to subtle adjustment of data sorting in operation. Improved the Help section with additional articles about using preferences in the data operations. 24, 2012 3.2. Option of excluding unnecessary objects from operation scope added. Users can select only required objects for an operation instead of all objects in the chosen category.

    Ability to migrate data to Sybase added. New design of Object Matching dialog that makes matching operation simpler and clearer for end users.

    New design of Connect to Servers dialog and new Project workflow. These changes have eliminated problems that led to floating and difficult-to-reproduce exceptions and unstable application behavior. Problems with loading some objects and their properties in Sybase and Oracle fixed. Several issues in the Licensing functionality fixed.

    Switching to parameterized queries in Data Synchronization operation finished. 19, 2012 3.1.

    19, 2012 3.1. The application has been migrated to.NET Framework 4.0.

    It allows to use new UI components to build more flexible and usable GUI. Updated UI control for Metadata tree. New UI control eliminates several issues and makes manipulations with Metadata tree more usable and simple. Updated and improved functionality of Filters and Search. Updated Installer.

    We have eliminated verification of specific Data Provides for Sybase and Oracle and moved this functionality into operations. In the next release, we are going to implement this check into the connection dialog because it is the best place to validate installed providers and notify a user if any problem occurs. Enhanced functionality of Metadata Loaders. Updated loaders have increased performance and stabilized application behavior. A set of issues fixed in application’s functionality. 17, 2012 3.0. 17, 2012 3.0.

    New core architecture that makes the application much faster and stable. Now the execution of any data or schema operations takes 15-30% less time than previously. More usable operations wizards that allow users to easily and more obviously configure any operations. Appropriate changes were also done in the Command Line functionality that now are more usable for work. More intuitive design of the Help section created.

    Support for SQL Server 2012 with Sequences and new Data Types added. Support for Rules and Defaults in the Schema Comparison operation for Sybase databases added. Option of executing several operations simoultaneously due to performance and functional issues removed.

    A set of issues in application functionality fixed.

    On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 08:20:02AM +1000, Adam Ruth wrote: The simple answer is to pgdump both tables and compare the output with diff. Other than that, I think you'll need a custom program. For all but the strictest definition of 'identical', that won't work. Tables may easily contain the same information, in different on-disk order, and pgdump will most likely give the data to you in an order similar to its ordering on disk. Something like a COPY TO, where includes an ORDER BY clause, might give you a suitable result from both tables, on which you could then take a checksum.

    Josh / eggyknap. Hi All, For example, There are two database. Database1 and database 2; database1 has a table called pr1 with the columns, id,name and time. Database2 has a table called sr1 with thecolumns id,name and time. I would like to find out the differences that is, find the names that are not in sr1 but in pr1. We can achieve this by the query, select name from sr1 where name not in (select name from pr1); the above query will work in case of two tables in the same database.

    But the problem is, these two tables are in different database. I did not understand about the dblink. Is there any exaples on dblink.

    Can we do it without using dblink. On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 08:20:02AM +1000, Adam Ruth wrote: The simple answer is to pgdump both tables and compare the output with diff. Other than that, I think you'll need a custom program.

    For all but the strictest definition of 'identical', that won't work. Tables may easily contain the same information, in different on-disk order, and pgdump will most likely give the data to you in an order similar to its ordering on disk. Something like a COPY TO, where includes an ORDER BY clause, might give you a suitable result from both tables, on which you could then take a checksum. Josh / eggyknap -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkn5HQoACgkQRiRfCGf1UMPcagCfQDRa2bXPRjgSuVsrFYTnGTTC rhoAnAlGwp0vSKd2uspyFvxCTfugG6Yh =LO6r -END PGP SIGNATURE. From: mailto: On Behalf Of Nicholas I Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 6:12 AM To: Joshua Tolley Cc: Adam Ruth; Pawel Socha; Subject: Re: SQL Comparing two tables of different database Hi All, For example, There are two database. Database1 and database 2; database1 has a table called pr1 with the columns, id,name and time.

    Database2 has a table called sr1 with thecolumns id,name and time. I would like to find out the differences that is, find the names that are not in sr1 but in pr1. We can achieve this by the query, select name from sr1 where name not in (select name from pr1); the above query will work in case of two tables in the same database.

    But the problem is, these two tables are in different database. I did not understand about the dblink. Is there any exaples on dblink. Can we do it without using dblink. On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 08:20:02AM +1000, Adam Ruth wrote: The simple answer is to pgdump both tables and compare the output with diff. Other than that, I think you'll need a custom program.

    For all but the strictest definition of 'identical', that won't work. Tables may easily contain the same information, in different on-disk order, and pgdump will most likely give the data to you in an order similar to its ordering on disk. Something like a COPY TO, where includes an ORDER BY clause, might give you a suitable result from both tables, on which you could then take a checksum. Josh / eggyknap -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkn5HQoACgkQRiRfCGf1UMPcagCfQDRa2bXPRjgSuVsrFYTnGTTC rhoAnAlGwp0vSKd2uspyFvxCTfugG6Yh =LO6r -END PGP SIGNATURE.

    Hi All, For example, There are two database. Database1 and database 2; database1 has a table called pr1 with the columns, id,name and time. Database2 has a table called sr1 with thecolumns id,name and time. I would like to find out the differences that is, find the names that are not in sr1 but in pr1. We can achieve this by the query, select name from sr1 where name not in (select name from pr1); the above query will work in case of two tables in the same database.

    But the problem is, these two tables are in different database. I did not understand about the dblink. Is there any exaples on dblink.

    Can we do it without using dblink. Hi NicholasThe query is across database query. Dblink is needed for that task. Hope it helpsJohn On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Edward W. Install winning eleven.

    Rouse wrote: Can’t you use this? select name from database2.sr1 where name not in (select name from database2.pr1); My test database VM isn’t running so I can’t test it, but I seem to remember that that’s how I did it for a few queries of that type. This is assuming the 2 databases are running on the same machine, like the way there is template0 as the default and you add addition databases to the same ‘instance’.

    If you are talking about 2 different database servers, then I have no idea. Edward W. Rouse How do you formulate the query using dblink? Thanks Wei - Sent via pgsql-sql mailing list To make changes to your subscription. In case dblink was not installed, you could try the following: 1. Dump only the data from the table from database 1 pgdump -U username -a -d -t tablename dbname tablename.sql 2. Create a (temp) table in database 2 SELECT.

    INTO tablenamebak from tablename WHERE 1 = 2 3. Restore the dumped data in the bak table in database 2 pgrestore -U username -a -t tablenamebak dbname tablename.sql 4.select. from tablename except select. from tablenamebak or you could dump the data from both tables and use some kind of diff tool Nicholas I wrote: Hican anybody me suggest me, how to compare two tables of different database. -Nicholas I - Sent via pgsql-sql mailing list To make changes to your subscription. Nicholas, To use the dblink:. In your postgres server you should find a file dblink.sql.

    In my beta installation is in share/postgresql/contrib. It is the installation for the dblink contrib module that usually is already compiled in. It will create a lot of dblink functions. on database2 create a function nammed dbdatbase1 which returns 'dbname=database1' (if you need a login use 'dbname=database1 password=xxx', you can also specify host= port= to connect in a remote postgresql database). now execute the sql: select.

    from dblink(dbdatabase1, 'select 'id', 'name', 'time' from pr1') as pr1('id' integer, 'name' text, 'time' time) then you will see the table 'pr1' on the datbase2 - Lucas Brito. On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Lucas Brito wrote: Nicholas, To use the dblink:. In your postgres server you should find a file dblink.sql. In my beta installation is in share/postgresql/contrib. It is the installation for the dblink contrib module that usually is already compiled in.

    It will create a lot of dblink functions. on database2 create a function nammed dbdatbase1 which returns 'dbname=database1' (if you need a login use 'dbname=database1 password=xxx', you can also specify host= port= to connect in a remote postgresql database).

    now execute the sql: select. from dblink(dbdatabase1, 'select 'id', 'name', 'time' from pr1') as pr1('id' integer, 'name' text, 'time' time) then you will see the table 'pr1' on the datbase2 - Lucas Brito.

    Compare Two Sql Databases